The Foreward.
We are the Omot's! Thanks for journeying with us. This is a journey that started in 1960's when young missionaries and their families, Harvey Hoekstra and Don McClure, went to serve the Anuak people in South Sudan. This was an unreached people group, coming out of years of animism and desiring new things. There was a young Anuak man named Akway. This man was a new follower of Jesus, disciples by the missionaries. He travelled with the missionaries, helped them with language learning, and he was equipped him in how to teach and share with his tribe in a way that missionaries couldn't. He started Christ-centered churches, discipled others, and lived a long life that honored God. A man mobilized by missionaries to take Jesus to his own people. -Pastor Akway and his wife in 2015- Fast-forward to 1989, when another young Anuak man was born in South Sudan. He was named after the day he was born, Friday! He came to the United States when he was 9 years old out of a refugee camp i...